Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Carli, my monkey in the middle!

Carli, she is the most precious little soul. Carli turned 3 this year and got to start school. She gets to go a few hours in the morning and she LOVES it. I let her stay for lunch 1-2 times a week and she gets so excited. See, she has been watching her big sister go to school for two years, so now it is her turn. Carli is not the typical younger sister that wants everything their big sister has, in fact she is quite opposite! She could care less what Lexi has or what she is doing. It matters none what so ever to Carli what others think. Not a single bone pleasing attitude in her body! I like to say that Carli "marches to the beat of her own drum". My Carli, she is in a hurry to go nowhere, she puts new meaning to a "Sunday stroll". Carli looks just like her poppa, and she adores him as much as she looks like him. Though now, she is going through a stage where she has to have my attention. I think this is just about winning my attention over the other two. Carli has a sense of humor and loves when you tell her made up stories. As sweet as she is, it just wouldn't be so if I did not mention that she is in that 3 year old "whiney" stage right now. Carli I must say, you are my most beautiful calm soul, I know that God gave you to mommy to slow me down. May others be so fortunate to see the world in your eyes. I love you forever and forever and I promise you will never be lost in the middle!

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